Saturday, May 5, 2012

I have very curly hair and I need to find a style that will work for me.?

My hair is the curliest hair I no! It gets extremely annoying becuase I have run out of things to do with it. What are some ideas that will keep my hair long and soft but out of my face and a little bit more straighter?

I have very curly hair and I need to find a style that will work for me.?

Here are some nice hair style sites. Maybe you can find something helpful on one of them:

Matrix -

The Hair Styler -

2 Hair Styles -

Hair Styles -

Hair Styles Design -

Hair Finder -

Wedding Hair Styles -

All Things Hair -

Good luck! =)

I have very curly hair and I need to find a style that will work for me.?

straighten it

I have very curly hair and I need to find a style that will work for me.?

I just pull mine up on top of my head in a bun and leave the bangs short and curly with little wispy hairs out on the sides and back.

I have very curly hair and I need to find a style that will work for me.?

rebonding and treatment

I have very curly hair and I need to find a style that will work for me.?

I have VERY curly hair, too, and fought it most of my life. Then around six years ago, i decided, oh forget it! Now I simply LOVE my hair. Here's my routine...

Wash my hair with Pantene's curly hair shampoo %26amp; conditioner. After a quick towel dry, I put Pantene's ProV leave in treatment "Soft Start", running it through my hair with my fingers only. Then I use Sebastian WET and run my fingers through my hair again, arranging the curls. DO NOT EVER BRUSH YOUR HAIR...that separates the strands and makes your hair bushy and frizzy.

Let your hair air dry and see what you think! Good luck!

I have very curly hair and I need to find a style that will work for me.?

hOney!! cHemiCaL sTraiGhtniNg..bElieVe mE..i haVe vEry vEry cURLy haiR beFore tOo..anD theN i tRieD a lOt of stuFf it diDnt woRk..uNtiL i diScOVereD cHeMicAl stRaiGhtning..and thEre's diffeRenT oNes tOo..mY aDviCe iS to Get sHisEido bRand and gO to a jaPanEse salOn..thEy dO a gREat jOb!!

I have very curly hair and I need to find a style that will work for me.?

wear it up in a half of a pony tail {leave some down!!} but only straighten what you left down, but tha hair that is up, put it up in a messy bun!!! that would be so cute gurl!!!! or if its relly hott- just put it all up in a messy bun!!!!

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