Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair sh

She thinks I look better with my hair curly, I told her I look too jewish like that and like it shorter, and will probably ignore whatever she tells me to do with it. But I was just wondering what everyone else thinks.

Here's me with curly hair.


Here's me with straight hair.


I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

it looks better stright i guess.

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

wow you are very jewish.

keep it longer.

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

LOL...Ummm, first I think you should get a new face. But the curly hair is better. The other hair looked like a fowl landed in it...LOL!!!!!!

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

both are fine. i like it longer

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?



I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

shave it and see what she says.

if she gets so mad, then you should dump her

if she likes it or supports it, keep her

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

I would go with the short look.

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

probably straight but it could just be the picture.

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

YES very jewish....

why worry about this so much? it's just hair

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

i like it better straight,,,,,,she must have told u that so no other girls would look at you. go for straight look,,,and grow it a little longer.....

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

KEEP IT CURLY! YOU LOOK BETTER WITH IT CURLY!! there is nothing wrong with looking jewish...im jewish! anyway u better do wut ur girlfriend sais or else she could break up with you..its the little things that count and this hair thing could make her snap. btw she right....CURLY IS BETTER!!!!!

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

I like it better curly, but do whatever you want.

Quit calling your girlfriend annoying. I'd immediately break up with anyone that acted like that towards me.

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

I personally liked the curley wet look! Ur dimple is too cute.

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

None i think you should grow your hair out and get a emo hair cut.

I don't normally do this, but my girlfriend is being annoying, do I look better with my hair short or curly?

What the hell do you care if you look too Jewish? It could be worse--much worse. You may want to listen to her. After all, she is a girl and therefore is right.

On the other hand, if really want it shorter, I would suggest that you go with a high %26amp; tight. It will add a desparately needed element of "toughness" to your persona . . . KIDDING! Just go with what she says. It's only hair, you can cover it up with a ball cap.

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