Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I have a question about what to do with my long out of control fizzy, curly hair!!!!!?

okay im 14 years old and next saturday im getting my hair relaxed, and cut.

right now when wet my hair is a little higher that the middle of my back. how should i get it cut???

it has to be long enough for a pony tail for sports!!

also for the relaxing, with it make it completely straight?

right now my hair is really curly!

thank you!

I have a question about what to do with my long out of control fizzy, curly hair!!!!!?

i would get it cut a little below the shoulders. cute but long enough for a pony tail...and maybe layers.

I have a question about what to do with my long out of control fizzy, curly hair!!!!!?

shave your head or buy some joico shampoo it's the greatest.

I have a question about what to do with my long out of control fizzy, curly hair!!!!!?

if you go to folica they have almost everything you need to know about hair products including reviews... i have a blog and there is a direct link to it on the right hand side just click it and it will take you directly there


I have a question about what to do with my long out of control fizzy, curly hair!!!!!?

Don't relax your hair! It'll just damage it %26amp; you'll have to keep getting it done. If you insist on putting chemicals in your hair, get a texturizer. It'll loosen your curls %26amp; make it less thick.

As for a cut, I suggest long layers or getting your hair thinned. I never got my hair thinned (I hear that they just cut your hair a special way), because the long layers did seem to thin my hair out.

I think you just need to know what to do with your hair. Straightening your hair is fine, but don't do it all the time. Embrace your curls!

Soo, tips!

1. Use shampoo's that are for wavy or curly hair. They moisturize and enhance/define your curls. I currently use Garnier Fructis Curl %26amp; Shine system (shampoo, conditioner, %26amp; leave in). It's amazing! If not, use a moisturizing one (I suggest to stay away from Pantene. Leaves build up!)

2. When styling your hair, always style your hair wet. I stick my head under the sink every morning.

3. Products: I use Sunsilk Defrizz (green bottle) 24/7 creme %26amp; Tresseme Curl Care mousse. You don't have to use these exact products though, just expirement! Just make sure whatever you choose to use its for curly/wavy hair so it'll define your curls.

4. How often you should shampoo.. a lot of people have different opinions. I personally wash %26amp; condition 1-2 times a week. Other's will say condition everyday.. I personally think this will leave build up.

Other tricks of the trade (haha, not really, just things I do) is to put your hair up in a bun when you sleep. It'll keep your hair from being wild in the morning %26amp; I think this helps with styling. Also, I never comb my hair unless I'm washing it; it'll take out the curl. If you need to comb, finger comb while wetting your hair.

For straightening, I do this about once a month or less. I don't want my hair to be fried. Make sure you put a good heat protectant (I use Tresemme spray %26amp; gel specially made for heat.. it's black %26amp; red). As for a straightener, everyone suggest's a Chi. Its nothing amazing to me %26amp; its $100. Soo, I currently use Remmington. It def. gets the job done. My hair is straight, like the Chi would do. Pick one with different heat settings (I hear the pink%26amp;brown one works well, but I have the new one with Teflon). If you want something expensive, go for the Solia. Never used it, but I read many good things about it and its $80 (I was going to get this one, but heard of Remmington. I thought if it was cheaper %26amp; works just as well, why not try it?). Also, though it will take longer, opt for a 1 inch straightner.. though a 2 inch (borrowed my cousin's) got the job done just fine too.

Well, I'm sorry that this is so long, but I hope this helps! If you have any questions, just contact me via email or whatever. I think you can message me from my profile. (:

And one more thing: your hair will be easier to manage as you get older. Trust me, been there, done that.

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