Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How can I get my Frizzy natrually curly hair to straitghten???

My Hair is natruall curly, Frizzy and ugly. How do I get it to straighten easely or without hassle??

How can I get my Frizzy natrually curly hair to straitghten???

I recommend you go to a professional salon and have it chemically straightened. It should last as long as a dye job would last, in other words until your natural hair grows in enough to notice the different textures. It's costly, but easy compared to anything you'd torture yourself with at home. When you're there, ask the stylist what you can use at home to make the straight style last longer.

You're in luck to live at this time. For years until pretty recently, there was no answer to this without a lot of work on your part and unsatisfactory results, but badly damaged hair. Take advantage of this time! Save some money and enjoy a straightening treatment. You'll love it!

How can I get my Frizzy natrually curly hair to straitghten???

Use a straightening comb.

How can I get my Frizzy natrually curly hair to straitghten???

my sister has curly hair she straitens it after blowdrieing it and your hair might look pretty if wile having it wet put gel and hairspray in it.

How can I get my Frizzy natrually curly hair to straitghten???

the easiest way is to get a straightening iron... my hair is naturally wavy and the only way to get it even remotely straight without my iron takes FOREVER with my hair dryer and brush... i just end up with a sore arm and sweating from having the blow dryer pointed at my head for so long. i love my flat iron!!

How can I get my Frizzy natrually curly hair to straitghten???

A flat iron will do the trick.

Flat irons come with a variety of different coatings from chrome to metal to ceramic. Most professional hairstylists use ceramic-plated irons because it is believed that they distribute the heat most evenly.

Be warned though, that heat from any styling tool could possibly damage your hair.

Some flat irons have teeth on the side to help guide your hair, I find these to be more effective on my hair.

Before you use a flat-iron, your hair needs to be completely dry. Wet hair will literally steam the water inside the hair shaft and destroy your hair even worse.

Most flat-irons can be found at a CVS or Target, places like that for about $10-$20 bucks. Even better ones can be found at a Beauty Supply Store for a bit more money.

I hope you found this helpful.


How can I get my Frizzy natrually curly hair to straitghten???

I would advise against chemical straightening, it can be very damaging to your hair and quite costly. Irons work, but make sure it is a ceramic iron. Most people say you have to blow dry it before you iron it, I disagree. I let it dry naturally and then iron it and it works fine.

How can I get my Frizzy natrually curly hair to straitghten???

okay well my friend used have the curliest locks ever and i took her to my aunt and she got her hair relaxed and she has to wash her hair once a week but after u wash it it gets curley but not as curly as before so from their u can just use a straightner after u wash but even with the straightened hair u should get it relaxed once evry 2 months

How can I get my Frizzy natrually curly hair to straitghten???

As you can see in my pic my hair is straight, yet is naturally very curly. I can send you a pic of that too if you'd like. To striaghten my hair I use a 1 inch pure cermic (not ceramic coated) but true ceramic flat iron. Ceramic coated irons are sold everywhere and can be purchased for 20-40 bucks, but you will get what you pay for. In the end, the coating will chip away and you will simply be straightening your hair with the metal underneath. Also, ceramic coating does not allow you to striaghten your hair while wet and does not give you the same shine. True Ceramic flat iron will run you anywhere from 80-200 bucks depending on the size. I recommend a 1 inch or 3/4 inch iron as it will really get to your roots as opposed to the bigger irons. I purchased my iron at a Kiosk in a Simon mall. If there are any simon malls near you, then there are girls doing demos right in your mall so go try it for yourself! The Maxiglide is sold at bed bath and beyond for about 80 bucks, and the Chi can be purchased at retailers nationwide. Mine was 99 bucks plus tax and it was worth every scent! Otherwise do a google search for ceramic irons and make sure you don't purchase one that is ceramic coated!

This will last you about a week and you should then wash it and condition it. Sometimes I don't wash it for 10 days and allow my own natural oils (Sebum) to condition my hair. On these days I typically just pull my hair back into a ponytail, beacause it can look too greasy if worn down. But again, do not do this everyday!

DO NOT RELAX your hair. Relaxing is a chemical service that will eventually over dry and over process your beautiful curls. I had to grow mine out, which took years and much hair loss. My mom, after 30 years of relaxing, is now wearing a wig! To this day, my hair is not as long or as thick as it was prior to relaxing.

If you want to wear your hair curly check out

How can I get my Frizzy natrually curly hair to straitghten???

Serioucly- I've been trying to figure this out the past 7 years. I did the chemical straightening- yea it only lasts a day and it's very expensive (not worth it~!), after constantly damaging my hair after hair color and from blow-drying it I'm finally figuring out how to keep it from not getting damamged, less curl and definatly less frizz. I disagree with not having to blow dry- it all depends on how "thick" your hair is and if it's harder to tame to be honest. I usually just blow dry my hair in sections- I work my way from the bottom up. After I blow dry one section I use spray in conditioner and let it tame the frizz for a couple minutes and then just go over what the hair dryer missed with a hair straightener. Out of honesty- I've had my straightener for 4 years now and hasn't failed yet. People can NOT tell my hair is natuarally curly~! Try it I'm telling you. I know I'm no beautician (%26lt;- - see probably didn't even spell it right) but it's the only solution I've found so far.

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