Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How do i fix medium to long curly hair to have an elegant look?

I have medium to long curly hair and I need an elegant way to fix it for a first date. I kinda want a up and down doo. down to show the length but out of my face too. any suggestions appreciated.

How do i fix medium to long curly hair to have an elegant look?

i like the half up, half down look...but w/ a side part, the front bang area swept to the side, pinned behind the ear. then tease or poof the top of the hair, but make the sides tight.. then curl or wave the rest of the hair.. u'll look great :)

also one of my staple hair styles is this: long, and parted at the side.... and then i take the front area of the hair, push it up and pin it to the side above .... sort of where the eyebrow area is, but u pull the hair back further and pin in Behind....hope that makes sense.. :)

How do i fix medium to long curly hair to have an elegant look?

Go to a hairdresser! Get them to show you how to do it for next time.

How do i fix medium to long curly hair to have an elegant look?

uumm u dont! i love curly hair. keep it that way!!!

How do i fix medium to long curly hair to have an elegant look?

Go to a stylist, if you can get in before christmas.

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